Sailesh Kottapalli, a long-time Intel fellow and engineering lead on numerous Xeon server processors, has transitioned to a new opportunity with Qualcomm. Announced via a LinkedIn post, Kottapalli described his move as an unparalleled chance to innovate and help advance new technologies.
Kottapalli’s lengthy career at Intel saw him rise from developing the initial Itanium processor to becoming a chief architect for various Xeon processors, winning accolades for achieving record performance improvements. His switch to Qualcomm is intriguing, given Qualcomm’s strategic interest in the server sector, aiming to penetrate markets traditionally dominated by x86 silicon.
While his specific role at Qualcomm remains undisclosed, his expertise could enhance Qualcomm’s competitiveness in server silicon or bolster efforts in AI acceleration. Both areas represent burgeoning markets with significant growth potential. Qualcomm’s recent success with Snapdragon PC chips, which exceeded Intel’s, suggests a promising future in the hands of seasoned innovators like Kottapalli.