Polish data center operator, has announced an investment for the expansion of its data center campus in Poznań, Poland.

Located half way between Berlin and Warsaw, mega expansion will increase the power capacity of the campus from the current 8MW to 42MW, making the data center facility one of the largest of its kind in Europe in terms of surface area and power capacity.

“The total gross area will increase from the current 12,000 square meters up to 45,000 square meters. This means that once the investment is complete, we will have one of the largest colocation sites in Central Europe. This will allow us to cater for the growing demand for collocation and cloud services in the region,” said Michał Grzybkowski, Executive VP of Technology at

The specific facility scheduled for expansion is second data center (Data Center 2) in the campus. According to the company, Data Center 2 will continue to be powered by 100% renewable energy, and at full capacity, it will reach PUE levels of even below 1.2.

“The demand for state-of-the art server colocation space is growing dynamically. On the one hand, Polish companies already experiencing growth which has only recently been accelerated as a consequence of the pandemic have either launched or accelerated digitization projects,” said Wojciech Stramski, CEO of

“On the other hand, we are seeing increased interest from global cloud providers, SAAS companies, webscalers, and large enterprises in general who are looking to enter and better serve the Central European market.”

This data center expansion follows the recent huge investments in Polish data center market announced by Microsoft which plans to invest $1 billion to accelerate innovation and digital transformation in the “Polish Digital Valley”. This is preceded by Google’s announcement to open a new cloud region in Poland.