Category: Data Center


Microsoft to Build Two Data Centers in Arizona

Microsoft Set for Arizona The tech giant Microsoft Corp. now has two new sites in Goodyear, Arizona and announced its plans for the construction of huge data centers and offices on both sites.“As part of our plans to support the…


Flipkart Opens its Data Center in Hyderabad

Flipkart Opens Hyderabad DC The e-commerce company Flipkart, has announced the opening of its data center in Hyderabad, Telangana of Southern India. This is the company’s second data center in the country and the first in the state of Telangana.…


DataBank to launch its new Data Center in Kansas City

DataBank New Kansas DataCenter The datacenter and network provider DataBank, has announced the launching schedule of its just-completed data center KC3, in Kansas City. KC3 is DataBank’s third facility in the market of Kansas City. Sited in Lakeview Avenue of…


Microsoft Increases Carbon Fee to Develop Sustainable Facilities

Microsoft Carbon Fee Hike Microsoft Corp. has announced its plans to almost double the company’s internal carbon fee to $15 per metric ton on all carbon emissions. This increase is focused on holding Microsoft’s business divisions financially responsible for reducing…


E-shelter to Build Second Datacenter in Berlin

E-Shelter Second Datacenter in Berlin E-Shelter – a data center provider and subsidiary of NTT Group, has announced plans to develop its second Berlin Datacenter.The first phase of the 60,000 sqm data centre campus will be ready in Q4 2020.E-Shelter…


Prince William County Proposes to Hike Data Center Tax

Prince William Data Center Tax Prince William County, Virginia is considering increasing the tax rate on data centers, shifting the rate from $1.25 per $100 of assessed value to $2 per $100 of assessed value. The Prince William County Board…


Kyocera to Build Zero-Emission Data center in Japan

Kyocera Green Datacenter in Japan Kyocera Communication Systems has announced its plans to build a zero-emission data center in Ishikari City, Hokkaido, Japan. The facility is to be fully powered by wind, solar and biomass as well as snow-cooled. Construction…


UK funded SafePods Network now Open for Application

UK Research Data Center SafePods The UK Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC) awarded £1.5 million to the University of St. Andrews in Scotland for the creation and management of a network of remote Datacenter access points (SafePods Network or…


European DMP Opens Data Center in South Africa

DMP Data Center in SA The European data management firm DMP (Data Management Professionals) has just launched its first African Data center in South Africa. This is DMP’s fifth data center facility with the first four in Europe. The company…


Verizon Media to Expand Lockport Data Center

Verizon Expands Lockport Data Center Verizon Media has announced the expansion of the Lockport Data Center which will costs $28 million. The facility was acquired by Verizon from Yahoo in 2013 and merged to its subsidiary – Oath. This expansion…

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